Hobby Lobby, Religion and Birth Control

** Today’s post is a response to this post on Mindful Disgressions. I follow this blog and I recommend checking it out. I don’t agree with a lot of his opinions, but they are well presented, thought provoking and a good read.

Are they open on Sundays?

Are they open on Sundays?

There is a good chance that this post will piss off the people on both sides of this argument, because I don’t agree with either of them. This will not be a lengthy post. My opinions on this issue are pretty cut and dried.










It should come as no surprise that I’m at odds with the religious right. I’m almost always at odds with the religious right. I do not think that you should be allowed to exempt yourself from a law because of your religious beliefs. What if I decide that taxes are against my religion? Does that mean I can stop paying them? What if I say that my religion has no problem with rape? Does that mean I can go around raping women with no consequences? I think we all know the answer to those questions. You may not agree with the law, but it’s still a law. You shouldn’t be able to use religion to receive an exemption. It’s a bunch of crap and it’s one hell of a slippery slope. You shouldn’t be able to get around the law by invoking your invisible man. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.


No business should be required to include birth control as a part of it’s healthcare package, period. Religion shouldn’t even be a factor. Why is this a mandatory thing? It makes no sense. As a matter of fact, the government should not be involved in health insurance at all. The government should not be involved in healthcare at all. If I’m an employer, why should the government be allowed to tell me what I can and cannot offer my employees for their services? I don’t want to turn this into an Obamacare debate, that’s a different post, but this is just another example of government overstepping it’s bounds. Health insurance was first offered as part of a compensation package as an incentive for employees to work for certain companies. Smart employers saw it as a way to lure the best and brightest individuals to their company. Health insurance through the employer started in the private marketplace. Just the way it should be. In the private marketplace, some businesses would offer birth control as part of the benefits package and some wouldn’t. As an employee, you would have the choice of not working for a place that doesn’t offer it. Some employers would offer it for a competitive advantage. Some wouldn’t. It’s really that simple. Of course, our politicians just can’t keep their grubby, corrupt hands off of anything. The government gets involved and it turns into a complete disaster. Imagine that.